The word “station” comes from a Latin word meaning “to stand.” During this week before Easter, take some time to walk the Scriptural journey from Jesus’ trial to his crucifixion. At your own pace, you are invited to stop, read Scripture, and reflect on events that took place along the way. As you move from one station to the next, your walking becomes a devotional act as you journey with Jesus. There will be places to sit and rest as needed along the way.
The Stations are located in our Worship Center March 25-28 during the following times:
Monday, 9:00am - 8:00pm
Tuesday, 9:00am - 5:00pm
Wednesday, 9:00am - 8:00pm
Thursday, 9:00am - 8:00pm
Give yourself 45-60 minutes and you don’t need to schedule a time, just come when you can! Please use the Office Entrance from 9:00am-4:30pm.
Sunday doesn’t come unless Friday happens! Again and again, we find ourselves at the foot of the cross. On Good Friday, you are invited to recount the final steps Jesus took to the cross. Join us for this powerful service of remembrance and count the cost of grace we have in Jesus!
March 29th, 7:00pm at Tree City Church.
Kids Ministry for Birth - Kindergarten is available.
This service will be in person only and not streamed online.
Run, Walk, or Roll! All are invited to a day FULL of fun activities as we celebrate the season of Easter!
5K & 3K (Run, Walk, or Roll) begins at 11:00am.
Easter Egg Hunt (4th grade and younger) begins at 12:15pm.
Block Party to follow with Food Trucks and more!
Featured Attractions:
Forget Me Not Coffee Co. (Opens at 10am)
Holy Oly O’s Mini Donuts (Opens at 10am)
BBQ Guys
Big Beantz Tacos
Treasure Valley Photo Bus
Registration is ONLY required for those participating in the 5K/3K race. A portion of your registration fee is going two support two of our local mission partners: Glocal Community Partners and Boise Rescue Mission Ministries.
Registrations includes: Shirt - Timing - Awards
9:30AM & 11:00AM
Kids Ministry for Birth - Grade 6