February 25, 2025: Building Plans and Applications have been submitted to the City of Boise for review!
February 23, 2025 - Vision Sunday: Our fiscal year runs from March - February. Every year on the last Sunday of our fiscal year, we celebrate all God has done and look forward to the ways God will move in the next year. We heard an inspiring message that kicked of our new fiscal year with an update about our Growing Vision Campaign:
We also held an important church meeting where we got to hear inspiring stories and updates about our progress toward breaking ground this summer. Here are some quick links to different sections of the meeting:
Annual Election Results, District Assembly Delegates, and Board Members
Giving Update, Goal & Budget Overview for our 2025-2026 Fiscal Year
“Coming Soon” signs have been placed on the lawn near the area where construction will take place:
February 1, 2025: We launched a Wednesday night prayer time in the chapel to pray specifically for our Growing Vision Campaign as well as anything else people need to bring before the Lord. Join us from 6pm-7pm to pray BIG as we continue to trust God with this project. To date, we have raised $835,000 including pledges. This puts us now $915,000 away from our $1.75 million construction goal. We are almost halfway there!
January 7, 2025: Since November 17th, 2024, we have raised another $210,000. Thank you for your generosity and continue giving toward this project. We thank God for you! We currently have $699,000 in our building fund with another $128,000 pledged. This puts us at an expected $827,000 of our $1.75 million goal. We currently need another $923,000 to fund this project debt free!
November 17, 2024: During our worship services, an important update was given about our Growing Vision Campaign. We are taking faithful steps forward as we prepare to apply for building permits and our focus is now on getting the new construction portion of our project under way. Don Baumgartner, our Project Team Lead, gave a detailed update about our next steps and current goal.
Here are some quick links to hear Pastor Johnny’s message and Don’s Update:
We are excited about how this new space will increase our capacity to do immeasurably more!
Take a look at the info graphics below to see the impact we will get to make in the days to come:
Help us get to $900,000 by June 1, 2025!
With the generosity of many people, as of February 1, 2025, we have raised $850,000 of our $1.75 million goal. We currently need another $900,000 to fund this project debt free!
Will you prayerfully consider how you can contribute?
Every gift given to Growing Vision building fund is important. We cannot meet this need without gifts of all sizes beyond regular tithes.
Consider these giving options:
SET UP AUTOMATIC ONLINE GIVING. The easiest way to schedule giving is to set it up automatically at (Select “Growing Vision” giving option). You can give far more when you give consistently and spread out your giving over time. Examples of this type of giving can be found in the sample “Commitment Guide” on page 11 of the Growing Vision Statement.
GIVE A CASH GIFT. This can include savings, tax refunds, stock dividends, garage sale proceeds, fundraisers, or countless other creative ideas.
APPRECIATED SECURITIES. By making gifts of appreciated securities (stocks or mutual funds), you can receive a charitable deduction for the fair market value and avoid capital gains tax liability.
IRA DISTRIBUTIONS. Individuals 70 1/2 or older may choose to give directly from their IRAs rather than having to take a distribution that may trigger a tax liability. Currently, the rules allow you to save on taxes by directing your distribution to a named charity.
GIVE PROPERTY. Give real estate or other items of value. For assistance, contact Pastor Dave Arnold at
MAKE TREE CITY CHURCH A BENEFICIARY IN YOUR WILL OR TRUST. For assistance, contact Pastor Dave Arnold at
Past Updates
October 1, 2024: We have raised $1,119,840 so far toward our $3,000,000 goal. Since June 1, 2023, over $500,000 has been committed with $210,896 of those commitments remaining! The amount already raised combined with remaining commitments made so far puts us at $1,330,736 toward our goal! THANK YOU for your continued generosity!
Our current Growing Vision Fund balance is at $791,154. The overall budget for this project includes both improvements and repairs to our existing facility, a new construction expansion project, and repurposing existing facility space for discipleship and community use. Here is the projected breakdown of that budget:
Approximately $1 Million allocated for projected improvements, repairs, and repurposing (Worship Center Lighting and Media Upgrades, HVAC Replacement & Repairs, Family Restrooms, Painting, Carpeting, Remodeling, etc.).
Approximately $1.5 Million allocated for new construction to the south of our existing building as dedicated space for The Counseling Center at Tree City and expanded office and leadership development space. This will allow us to repurpose existing space for more discipleship and community use.
Approximately $500,000 allocated to remain in our Growing Vision Fund for continued development plans, improvements, and maintenance.
UPDATE: On November 17th, 2025, we gave an important update about breakdown of our projected costs for this project. Visit “Current Information” at the top of this page for that update.
The difference between the amount we have raised and our current fund balance reflects the expenses already completed during this project. Here are the items that have already been completed and/or in progress:
Fundraising, Marketing & Consulting
Architectural Drawings
Worship Center House Lighting Replacement
Seven HVAC Rooftop Units Replaced
Our goal is to complete this Growing Vision Project by raising 100% of the funds with no debt. Therefore, we will begin the new construction phase of this project once we have a cash balance of $1.5 Million in our Growing Vision Fund. Our fund balance will fluctuate during this campaign because there are urgent parts of this project that need to be completed before we have the total funds raised for the new construction. For example, as outlined above, a planned part of our project is the replacement of a portion of our HVAC system which depleted a portion of our current balance once that payment was made.
We are excited to see our current facility receive much needed repairs and improvements so that we can continue to be a place for our church to grow in faith and community, as well as being a place for our community to experience hospitality filled with the love of Jesus. This is allowing us to increase our capacity for God to do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine!
If you haven’t yet made a commitment to become a part of this vision for our church, please take a look at all of the information below, and pray about making a financial commitment to God’s Growing Vision helping us to expand our capacity to do immeasurably more.
Here is a little more about how this campaign has developed for our church:
On September 21, 2021, our Church Board unanimously approved a Project Team to begin discerning God’s growing vision for our church, which came after several years of prayer and discerning God’s vision for Tree City Church.
Areas of ministry and needs were identified that are limited by our current capacity and facility deficiencies. This led the Project Team to develop a facilities and property master plan that will increase our capacity to do immeasurably more. The Project Team and Church Board then discerned first steps toward accomplishing this.
We held two Church Meetings to share about this opportunity (March 12, 2023 and April 2, 2023). Please take some time to watch the meeting and catch up on important and inspiring information.
On April 16, 2023, our church held a vote on the following motion:
“I approve of the "Growing Vision Campaign," which includes raising $3,000,000 for the construction of a building addition to the south and current building repairs and improvements.”
The motion passed with 96% approval!
On June 1, 2023, we officially kicked off our two year campaign with a “Growing Vision Banquet” and were inspired with stories about the generational impact Tree City Church has had over the last 120 years, and the ways in which that impact is still happening today. A call to commit to become a part of this campaign was given - to both be in weekly prayer for our church and to give financially. With God’s priority for us (pointing people to Jesus), identifying the world’s needs, and our resources all working together - we will see God’s Growing Vision for our church come to life and lives changed!
So what’s next?
We are thankful to see commitments being made to give, giving already happening toward the project, and we invite people to continue to become a part of this campaign through prayer, giving, and making financial commitments. Download a commitment card and continue to pray about how to become a part.
As we continue to raise the funds to begin the new construction portion of the project, we’ll acquire permitting with a goal of breaking ground during the summer of 2025.
For any question regarding our Growing Vision Campaign, please email
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in christ jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.
Imagine the impact of a church who leans fully on God who makes it grow! Our vision is not about buildings. Buildings are not a vision, but they are an outcome of vision. Our vision is about making disciples who make disciples. We believe God’s Growing Vision for our church will allow us to expand our capacity to multiply that - making disciples who make disciples.
Our desire is to maximize the property God has given us and use it for His glory, to point people to Jesus, to multiply the Gospel, and do that in all the ways we can. This is something we can do, with God’s help, and we are embarking on some of the most incredible days our church has ever lived.
As our church has grown and our ministries have expanded, and as we have heard God’s call to do more of what he has equipped us to do, expanding our capacity and maximizing our current facility to do immeasurably more has become the next clear step God is asking us to take.
God has given us a clear vision for how we can effectively point people to Jesus for generations to come. As many people before have taken faithful steps forward, it is now our time to step faithfully into God’s Growing Vision for our church. Our desire is for 100% of our church family to participate in this campaign knowing we all have a role to play AND it is only God who makes it grow (1 Cor. 3:6-7).
I encourage you to prayerfully consider how you will participate in this next step so that together we can experience increased capacity to do immeasurably more than we could ask or imagine.
Every gift given to Growing Vision is important. We cannot meet this need without gifts of all sizes beyond regular tithes.
Consider these giving options:
SET UP AUTOMATIC ONLINE GIVING. The easiest way to schedule giving is to set it up automatically at (Select “Growing Vision” giving option). You can give far more when you give consistently and spread out your giving over time. Examples of this type of giving can be found in the sample “Commitment Guide” on page 11 of the Growing Vision Statement.
GIVE A CASH GIFT. This can include savings, tax refunds, stock dividends, garage sale proceeds, fundraisers, or countless other creative ideas.
APPRECIATED SECURITIES. By making gifts of appreciated securities (stocks or mutual funds), you can receive a charitable deduction for the fair market value and avoid capital gains tax liability.
IRA DISTRIBUTIONS. Individuals 70 1/2 or older may choose to give directly from their IRAs rather than having to take a distribution that may trigger a tax liability. Currently, the rules allow you to save on taxes by directing your distribution to a named charity.
GIVE PROPERTY. Give real estate or other items of value. For assistance, contact Pastor Dave Arnold at
MAKE TREE CITY CHURCH A BENEFICIARY IN YOUR WILL OR TRUST. For assistance, contact Pastor Dave Arnold at